The Commission scolaire de Laval (CSDL) – Laval School Board - is a grouping of primary and public high schools on the Island of Laval. The CSDL is responsible for planning the various routes to bring 50 000 students to 93 schools over an area of more than 250 km2. From these 93 schools, 13 are localized outside the CSDL territory and are referred to as external schools.

The goal of the project was to optimize the school bell times in order to reduce the overall number of buses. The bell time optimization project was aimed at 99 schools buildings (schools may have 1, 2 or 3 buildings) which represents 1725 routes (1 trip per route) transporting around 40 000 students.

CSched worked with Hastus’ NetPlan module in order to optimize the bell times. NetPlan is the Hastus’ module used for cycle time and synchronization analysis. This project was the first attempt, on Hastus, to optimize school bell time while taking into account school transportation constraints.