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Training and supportSupport et formation
Scheduling efficiencyEfficience des horaires
Labour negotiationConventions collectives
Tender biddingAppels d’offres
Student transportationTransport scolaire
HASTUS by CSchedHASTUS by CSched
Client TestimonialsTémoignages clients

Client Testimonials

Témoignages de clients

« Michel, I’d like to commend your team on the training you’ve provided from both Francis and Robert/Ben. I’m impressed by their knowledge of the software and their understanding of transit planning principles. They’ve been extremely helpful in walking us through the necessary functions of the software and getting our system established. You’re fortunate to have such a great staff! »

- Jordan Winters, Transit Supervisor, Town of Vail

« In my work in the Planning department, I don't get to take part in the scheduling or runcutting process in my every day work, and I found the course to be the perfect opportunity to improve upon my skills at something that I truly enjoy. […] You fostered a fun and supportive environment for us to learn so much, and I'm sure my colleagues will agree that the course will provide value to us for the rest of our careers. »

- Luke Hill, Transit Planning Coordinator, BC Transit, Victoria

« Robert saved our run cut numerous times and has done it without much fanfare and a whole lot of grace. Robert has taken a lot of time and patience while training my operations staff and it has paid off ten-fold. […] It is always a pleasure for me and my staff to have Robert visit; he is a member of the team. Robert thank you for your professionalism and enthusiasm. You enjoy what you do and it shows in your work. »

- Margo Ross, Director, Bus Transportation, SamTrans, San Carlos

« Speaking on behalf of both Joanna and myself. We would be both very happy to be a referral for CSched. We realize that you have been instrumental in our transition and we would not be where we are today without your expertise and guidance. We are both very appreciative of all your efforts and commitment. »

- Troy Charter and Joanna Venditti, Program Managers, Transit Operations Support Staff, OCTranspo, Ottawa

« Un grand merci à vous et votre équipe pour votre professionnalisme, votre rigueur et l’efficience que vous avez démontrés. »

- France David, Directrice Service de l’organisation scolaire et du transport, CSDL, Laval

« Michel, What a fantastic learning experience it was! And it was so good to have you and Hugh in the trenches with us on so many fascinating scheduling challenges. I am truly in awe of your brilliance and hope that we will get another chance to work together soon. There's still plenty to do, but probably nothing as huge as what we've already accomplished. Thank you for your help during these past 2 years! »

- Jonathon Bez, Scheduling Supervisor Service Development, King County Metro, Seattle

« […] Critical to these efforts was the comprehensive audit of Metro Transit, led by […], CSched [operating as Courval Scheduling and MetroKinetics], […]. Their work provided tools for closing Metro’s budget gap and preserving transit service levels in the 2010-2011 biennium. »

- Larry Phillips, County Council, Seattle

« I have to say what you’ve taught me in these few short weeks will revolutionize the way I approach my work (after 12 years in the job!). Your patience, humour and ability to provide clear explanations (sometimes more than once!) was so greatly appreciated. I will be lobbying hard for your return to do ‘Scheduling 101’ with the rest of our department! (and don’t think that I won’t be sitting in!) »

- Deb Campbell, Senior Transit Scheduler, BC Transit, Victoria

« Thank you to everyone on the Transit Team! This was such a great example of a team working well together. Everyone contributed in their best way and the result really shows it... it is really wonderful to have such an incredibly talented and committed group to work with. [CSched’s]... work was pivotal in the whole audit process. And although I suspect you get some kind of geeky pleasure out of doing your work the result is an enormous service to the taxpayers who demand that their money be spent efficiently. »

- Kymber Waltmunson, King County Auditor's Office, Seattle

« CSched is a highly professional team which provided an effective and value added service to the Games transportation operation. While performing a function within their contracted scope, CSched also demonstrated a critical problem-solving ability within extreme time constraints. My experience with CSched is that of the group I confidently rely on for a high-quality and timely service delivery. And, on the individual level, a group of very fine people of true personal and professional integrity. »

- Irene Kerr, Vice President Logistics and Transportation, TO2015, Toronto

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